• 10:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Coimbatore. Chennai. Bangalore. Delhi. Calicut. Berlin. Warsaw.


Course Description

Events are a huge global business with many well-paid jobs. Graduates with creativity and the desire to organise things have great opportunities here. With a strong international orientation, the International Event Management programme prepares you for a career in the international event, trade fair and media industry. Potential employers include event and PR agencies, corporate marketing departments, international exhibition and conference organisers, associations, and cultural and sporting events.

Duration Bachelor's -3 Years Master's -1.5 to 2 Years
ELIGIBILITY: Minm.60 % in Academic
FEES: Minm. Rs. 1.44 Lakhs - Maxm. 3.2 Lakhs / Year (Fee Depends upon University and Country)

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