• 10:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Coimbatore. Chennai. Bangalore. Delhi. Calicut. Berlin. Warsaw.


Course Description

Coming up with ideas, designing objects, bringing spaces to life, Creativity, design skills and sensitivity in coming up with general strategies and detailed solutions – these are all central elements of the Interior Architecture course.  Whether it’s spaces, furniture, products or exhibition facilities, the aesthetic challenges are limitless and offer students a lot of scope for their own individual ideas.

The programme in Interior Architecture is very popular because of its in-depth and at the same time broad-based curriculum, its close links with technical courses and its focus on “furniture building”.  In addition, the varied course is supplemented by practical projects in Interior Architecture, but also in related disciplines like Art, Photography and Graphics, which help realise some of the creative dreams held by our regional and national partners.

Career opportunities

The strong link between theory and practice and the extremely versatile study profile creates the best conditions for the students’ future careers.  From planning interior spaces and furnishings, via interior-based construction of new builds or renovations of existing buildings though to product design, there are many very different and individual career paths and prospects for graduates of this course.


Duration Bachelor's - 3.5 Years Master's - 1.5 to 2 Years
ELIGIBILITY: Minm. 60 % in Academic
FEES: Minm. Rs.2 Lakhs - Maxm. 3.2 Lakhs / Year (Fee Depends upon University and Country)

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